A study in contrast and similarity.
Both are relics from the past and give a sense of scale to each other. Both are becoming scarce in the path of “progress and technology”. They are part of a bygone era. They are preserved and hang together to serve as reminders of the past, to foster an appreciation of the present, and perhaps, to give pause for reflection.
In the Galapagos Archipelago, the Giant Tortoise populations were depleted radically by early explorers and settlers. Over time and with respectful conservation, preservation and restoration, the tortoise populations are slowly increasing. Nature is persevering for future generations to enjoy.
Settlers came to those Islands with everything they owned, including pianos. Most of those settlers and their descendants moved on due to the harshness of the environment, leaving behind their man-made relics.
In not too distant memory, many households around the world owned pianos, children learned to play them and appreciate music. Now, people listen to computer generated sounds on I-pods. To recognize purity of sound and experience the joy of learning to play any musical instrument is now lost to much of the human population.
Times are ever-changing.....